The Benefits Of Spider Vein Removal
Spider veins are near the skin's surface and often located on the face and legs. This type of vein is generally blue, purple or red. The cause of spider veins is usually genetic or hormonal including puberty, menopause, birth control pills, pregnancy progesterone and estrogen. Spider veins can be effectively treated with laser equipment and requires no surgical intervention.
There are numerous benefits of spider vein removal. The laser removes spider veins permanently. This ensures relief from the issues associated with aching, bulging and heavy veins. The procedure uses bipolar radio frequency energy and laser light to close the vein. This enables the surrounding tissue to absorb the vein until it disappears. This procedure is performed in a comfortable office and general anesthesia is not necessary. The procedure is also safe and does not require time for recovery.
Laser vein removal enhances the appearance of the skin by providing a cosmetic improvement. The individual does not need to wear compression stockings, should experience an improvement in general health can be assured the veins will not come back. This procedure is safe for both women and men with unwanted spider veins. The process begins by scheduling an appointment for a consultation where the specifics of the treatment will be fully discussed.
One of the best benefits of this treatment is the elimination of any embarrassment when wearing a bathing suit or shorts. The legs will have a smooth appearance that promotes self confidence. The treatment is simple and easy with most people experiencing exceptional results. This treatment has an extremely high rate of success and improves the quality of life. Most people have more energy after the treatment and no longer feel discomfort when engaging in certain activities.
Are you interested in spider vein removal? Contact us today to book a FREE consultation. Taha Medi Spa will take great care of you and will give you results that will boost your confidence.