Why Laser Hair Removal Is Better Than Waxing

3 years ago By Medical Aesthetic Center Laser Treatment

For years, people have long debated about the difference between laser hair removal and waxing. Each method removes unwanted hair. However, only one of these methods provides less pain and less effort in terms of maintenance.

Long-term Solution
One of the main advantages of undergoing a laser hair removal procedure over waxing is that laser hair removal offers a long-term solution. As its name implies, lasers are used during the procedure to remove unwanted hair, specifically hair follicles. This means it destroys the hair follicles, offering a long-term solution in reducing unwanted hair. In contrast, waxing is a short-term and temporary solution in reducing and removing unwanted hair. Waxing is indefinite since it will not destroy or remove the hair follicles in the skin. This means you'll have to get waxed more often than not, making it a costly maintenance routine.

Sensitive Skin
Another advantage of undergoing laser hair removal over waxing is that laser hair removal appeals to those who have sensitive skin. Lasers used during the procedure will not damage the dermis. This means you will not have to worry about red or inflamed skin. Waxing, however, can be painful as hair is literally being ripped out of the skin, leaving those with sensitive skin with rashes or other skin irritations.

Other Benefits
Other than providing a cost-effective long-term solution to removing unwanted hair, laser hair removal provides other benefits as well. As mentioned, lasers will destroy the hair follicles in the skin, which means saying good-bye to ingrown hairs. Another benefit of undergoing laser hair removal is that it will save you time without sacrificing precision and accuracy when removing unwanted hair.

If you are interested in starting your laser hair removal treatment in New Jersey, contact us to schedule an appointment. At the Medical Aesthetic Center, located in Marmora, New Jersey, we offer laser hair removal to remove hair from all unwanted areas such as the face, upper lip, neck, chest, breasts, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line and legs. If you're looking for a permanent solution, laser hair removal is the answer for you! 

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