Why Fall Is The Best Time To Start Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments

4 years ago By Medical Aesthetic Center Laser Treatment

Let's go ahead and admit that we're all a bit lazy. While we love the look of smooth, hairless skin, shaving and waxing are both total hassles. During the hot summer months when we're showing the most skin, we have to deal with these annoying beauty rituals constantly. Many of us welcome the arrival of chilly weather and long pants, as we can give ourselves a little break from the agony of hair removal.

As we change into our jeans and sweaters, laser hair removal might be the last thing on our minds. However, now is the perfect time to take action and ensure that you won't have to spend next summer shaving every single day. Here's why fall is the best time to begin laser hair removal in New Jersey at the Medical Aesthetic Center.

Laser Hair Removal Isn't Instantaneous
Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions, depending on your skin type and coloring, to achieve its goal of permanent hair loss. Many people will begin their sessions at the beginning of the summer and be disappointed that they don't achieve their desired results until the end of the season. If you begin getting treatments during the colder months, you'll be ready to go by the time summer arrives.

Laser Hair Removal Can Make You A Bit Sensitive
Laser hair removal in New Jersey at the Medical Aesthetic Center is completely safe. However, like many beauty treatments, it can leave the skin a bit sensitive. This means that after a session, you might have to avoid the sun, pool or beach for a few days. This is why it's a good idea to get laser hair removal during the fall and winter, as your skin will be covered by your clothing and you won't likely be visiting the beach anytime soon.

Don't spend another summer being dependant on your razor. Not only will laser hair removal in New Jersey at the Medical Aesthetic Center eliminate hair growth over time, but it can also help to reduce or eliminate the bumps and unsightly redness that many of us suffer from due to shaving. If you've been thinking about laser hair removal in New Jersey, this autumn is the perfect time to finally book your first session with us at the Medical Aesthetic Center. To schedule your appointment, contact us today!

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