Why Is Sunscreen Important For Your Skin?
Sunscreen is one of the most effective defenses against the harsh rays of Florida's sun. Florida has stronger UV rays as well as it is much closer to the equator than other states. Sunscreen can protect you from both UVA and UVB. UVA causes aging-related problems such as wrinkles and age spots. UVB rays have the ability to cause skin cancer. Sunscreen can protect against any effects though.
Different Levels of SPF and When They Should Be Used
If you are spending a long amount of time outdoors and have fair skin, you should use a SPF that is rated anywhere from 50 to 100. If you have a darker skin tone, you are able to use a lighter SPF but not below 30. If you are spending a minimal amount of time outdoors and have a fair or medium skin tone, an 30 SPF is best for you.
Short Term Consequences of Not Using Sunscreen
The most common short term consequence of not using sunscreen is a sunburn. Sometimes, if you are out in the sun for too long, you can even get sun poisoning, leaving behind painful blisters and dehydration. Either way, sunburns cause significant pain and increase your risk for complications in skin aging and skin cancers later on.
Long Term Consequences of Not Using Sunscreen
The scariest long term consequence of not using sunscreen is the risk for skin cancers. Skin cancer in most cases can be easily treated, but there are cases in which individuals have lost their lives due to skin cancer. Other long term consequences include age spots, wrinkles and overall, unhealthy skin when you become older in age.
Sunscreen is one of the most important things you can use to protect your skin when outdoors. It can help you avoid age-related and dangerous consequences. If you do have age spots that have come previously from not using sunscreen, contact Miami Beauty Clinic to learn more about treatment options for sun damaged skin.