Reduce Cellulite With Velashape | Miami Beauty Clinic

4 years ago By Miami Beauty Clinic Fat Reduction

Cellulite is a term that is used to refer to dimples and lumps that develop within the skin. Other terms used to refer to cellulite include mattress skin, orange-peel skin, and even cottage cheese skin. While cellulite is most commonly associated with women, men may also suffer from this condition. Estimates indicate that as many as 90 percent of women may develop cellulite. The difference in the way that men develop as well as store fat, muscle, and connective tissue may account for the fact that men tend to develop cellulite less often than women.

Causes of Cellulite
Although the precise cause of cellulite remains unknown, it is believed that cellulite may develop due to an imbalance between the connective tissue contained within the layer just below the skin’s surface and the layer of fat in the skin. Hormonal factors, age, genetic factors, lifestyle and dietary factors may all play a role in the development of cellulite.

Treatment and Removal of Cellulite with VelaShape
VelaShape at Miami Beauty Clinic offers a non-surgical body contouring treatment option that can reduce the appearance of cellulite. VelaShape Radio Frequency and Infrared devices provide results that are fast and effective without invasive surgery. Each treatment takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes to minimize fat cells while tightening and smoothing skin. These procedures can be used effectively on the thighs as well as the hips and waist.

Benefits of Cellulite Reduction
With VelaShape at Miami Beauty Clinic, you can enjoy increased self esteem and the confidence to expand your wardrobe options. If you have felt self-conscious about the appearance of cellulite on your body, VelaShape at Miami Beauty Clinic can provide you with the smoother, tighter skin you have always desired.

Most people find they are good candidates for this cellulite reduction treatment. This is because there are very few risks as well as very little downtime associated with this cellulite reduction treatment. In fact, you can resume your normal daily activities immediately. Prior to undergoing the treatment, you may be advised to cease the use of any anti-inflammatory medications.

If the appearance of cellulite is bothering you, take charge and get the appearance you desire with VelaShape at Miami Beauty Clinic. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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